How deep are you willing to go? How willing are you to drop the very armor you spent lifetimes crafting?



How willing are you to drop the very armor you spent lifetimes crafting?

I want to go all the way.

Are you sure?

I can take it.

You’re overcompensating. What do you have to prove?

That I’m serious about this.

Who do you have to prove this to? Me?

This isn’t the kind of training you’re used to. We don’t want to hurt you. We don’t want you to hurt yourself. Life has done that to you enough. We want to help you heal.

I feel fine. I’ve bounced back from worse.

Have you noticed that every time you do, it gets more difficult to reach the same heights?

Can you still reach those same heights?


I’m not just talking about physical recovery. I want to help you heal the true sources of your pain; the untended scars not present on the body, but throughout your mind.  

How will I know how willing I am, if I don’t know anything?

The first step is admitting you don’t know. Healing requires Trust. Trust requires Faith. Faith requires Genuine Desire. 


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