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A Divine Gender Journey.

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A little story to go along with my latest project. If you want the Timelapse without the text, I’ve uploaded that one as well

The narrative:

Three iterations of me at different stages of my life are talking to one another. All three of them are unbound by time, each tapping into both their immature and mature natures during the dialogue.

The drawing: I love the colors of the bi flag. Magenta is at times associated with femininity and blue is sometimes identified with masculinity. I experience a correlation with dualities mixing to form an integrated unit:
Blue + Magenta = a shade of Purple. Also, purple for me represents the balance of the emotional mind and the rational mind, to ask the wise mind. The Tesseract rising through the columns from Earth is similar to how it feels for my being experiencing the 4th dimension/Time as I rise through my stages and enter the abyss with a chain of trust.


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