At The Gates

None Are Spared, All Are Accounted.

“At the Gates”

This is inspired by the visions I had when I first started my spiritual journey consciously.
I saw god’s eye in everything. Not just a votive object, but literally; in mandalas, clouds, water, trees, random things combined from a certain physical perspective that appear like eyes; (tree branches weaving to form what could be an eye, and the sun being where a pupil would be.)
I lost a lot of faith in the divine as I got older, and it feels good to dive back in on my own terms and at my own pace.
This also represents my own attempts at being vulnerable. There’s passion and anger burning in the sky with the energy of 7 nuclear warheads, as a seemingly impossible Sun with a Waning Crescent Moon core beams down.
A Seraphim descends, as its wings – each fluttering and vibrating as fast and loud as helicopters – cooling the skies and shielding the land below.
Its watchful eye is now wide open, protecting those in its view.

This can be one reaching their boiling point but having an angel save them and aid them in becoming aware before total self-destruction occurs.
This is also a perspective of how I imagine a real-life Revelations scenario.
The eighth chapter of Revelations focuses on the breaking of the seventh seal, where Angels throw a censor to Earth. This painting is an imagination of a Seraphim sacrificing itself to spare the wrath of the lamb.

So the real-life idea is that global warming or nuclear war would reach its tipping point (the alarms/trumpets would be sound), and a “biblically accurate” angel would reveal itself to humanity, sparing them/us from assured destruction.
The impossible “waning crescent sun” is supposed to represent the grim darkness of Nuclear Bombs (sun).
It can be the sacrifice of one’s self, should one regain awareness and express vulnerability.


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