My Double Rainbow Encounter

The day I recorded this video, I had just finished my delivery jobs for the day. I was feeling a bit down, stuck, congested emotionally, and spiritually weak. I was driving back home when I noticed this HUGE rainbow behind me. It looked like a portal was opening in the middle of it, because of how luminous the inner gradient of the rainbow was. I felt nervous about stopping to pull over. All kinds of anxiety. Would people driving by bother me? Would someone think I was doing something suspicious? There were many fears I was challenged by during this period, particularly my right to take up space and literally mind my own business regardless of what was going on around me.

When I exited my car, I noticed there wasn’t just one rainbow. Faintly arcing along the exterior of the more prevalent rainbow, was another! Remember the double rainbow YouTube video that was later turned into a commercial for Skittles? That’s what this felt like. When I tell you God/Source/The Universe is real and active in our lives, I’m reminded that I’m included. Lamenting over past mistakes, unawareness, and unsure of wanting to keep this wheel spinning, I’m reminded that I’m on the right path, I’m doing the best I can, and that God the Source of all Spirit quite literally has my back. I love her for this experience.

Double Rainbow Experience


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