Trying something familiar…

Date of Entry: 05.18.2024
Mood: Tired, Contemplative
Feelings/Experiences: Joy, Stress, Pain, Sadness, Overthinking, Anxiety, Relief, Humor.

Hello, An entry/audition of the visual representation of all the stuff that I’ll post moving forward. Changes will happen, however I’m not as pressed as I used to be about sticking with any particular theme or aesthetic; a post may be minimalist, vintage, futuristic, etc.

That doesn’t go without saying, that I will post [content warning!] in some bold form, including a general list of the subject matter that may be triggering, as well as give it it’s own tag and category. Perhaps there’s a way I can add a filter code or somethin’, at some point.

So for this entry, I want to bring some attention to a handful of queer artists.
A collective of trans people of color sought out to amplify the voices of trans people of color who are rooted in expression and creative arts.

The T4T Project.

When they expressed interest in including me along with 19 others in the first issue of their zine series, and I was grateful. All of us shared a piece of our vulnerability.

The fun part of this journey, is that you can start from wherever you want! Both issues are packed with art, with enough room for you too.

T4T Project: Issue One

T4T Project: Issue Two


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